The Stage 3 tune is readily downloadable and can be flashed to any 2002-2003 ALH engine code manual trans Jetta, Golf or New Beelte models. It offers an array of features, including EGR Deletion, Removal of Speed Limits, and Left Foot Braking Enabled (ideal for brake boosting). This tune delivers impressive peak boost at 25 psi and holds steady at 20 psi to redline. Tune requires a 3 bar map sensor and VNT17 Turbo and best off with free flowing exhaust.
************ Please note that purchasing this tune file covers only the file itself and no other services. By buying this tune file, you certify that you can flash the file to your car. The purchase of the tune file does not include customer support, and it is assumed that the purchaser comprehends the requirements for the purchased tune******************